

 This is the same basic block as the Uchi-uke, but with the help of your other hand. Perform it with the same movement as the Uchi-uke. At the same time bring your other fist against the elbow of your blocking hand to reinforce the block let your hips generate the power for this block. The concept of the Morote-uke is that one arm blocks off and the other reinforces the block As with the Uchi-uke a horizontal movement of the front elbow is necessary to completely cover the Chudan area. The supporting arm should press the defensive arm in time before the contact with the attacking arm has taken place so that the defensive arm can benefit from the strength of both.


This is a double block that consists of an inside forearm block to defend against a punch and kick. Either block can alternatively serve as a strike. The arms cross in front of the solar plexus wielding outward before they meet their targets. Kosa uke is the different block, one hand Gedan-Barai and other hand is Uchi-Uke and hands close to release


 Your starting position should be a kokutsu dachi any other training stance. your hands should be on your right side to left side before your first block  your first block should be move to the again left side to right side block this block is very speed and strength block


Start by crossing your forearms your blocking hand is by your opposed ear and your other hand is in front of you move your blocking hand to the front to meet the attack. Keep your fingers together aligned with your elbow.  Your block should be complete when it reaches the limit of your body. The tip of your fingers should be at the shoulder level at a 90% angle do the same on the other side.

Gedan Barai

  This is called lower block (Gedan Barai) outward block begins with your fist by The opposite ear, sweeping down to defend against low attacks, This is one of the primary blocks you'll learn for how to block a attack.  four basic blocks Age-uke, Uchi-uke, Soto-uke, Gedan-Barai with the left hand you'll begin by your right ear. straighten your arm down to finish with your fist a few inches in front of your thigh your fist should be facing your body and you take the blow on your pinky side forearm bone

Uchi uke (inside block)

Uchi-uke   Uchi uke, or inside block is one of the basic karate moves, in the karate dojo. This karate technique should be first practiced in the shotokan stance narmal stance with feet approximately shoulder width apart and toes facing forward. inside block comes from across the body, protecting against inward . if you're using your left arm, the technique begins on the right side of your body, the fist facing inward and the arm extended slightly down.

Soto Uke

  Soto uke is an inside middle block. Perform it by raising your left fist up toward your left ear, elbow bent fist facing forward. Bring it to the right rotating your hand as you go so that your fist ends up facing you. when you block with the left hand energy can be made by pulling the right hand when you block with the left hand left hand fist should be kept straight to the right shoulder